Mareike Foecking GROUP EXHIBITION 13.11.20–11.04.21 showsBON VOYAGE! Reisen in der Kunst der Gegenwart 2020 | LUDWIG FORUM AACHEN work groupsSilicon Valley I have seen – I am making the Future work groupsSilicon Valley I have seen – I am making the Future Research & DiskursPRE_INVENT V – Beyond the Visible SYMPOSIUM | HSD & Kunstsammlung NRW, 2019 ShowsReality hung up so I called Solo Exhibition | NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, 2016 work groupsBlocked Shops work groupsThis is about photography Research & DiskursNO_ON PHOTOGRAPHY SYMPOSIUM | HSD – Hochschule Düsseldorf, 2018 work groupsIn there out there ShowsBlended Generations Group Exhibition | NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, 2016 FilmHauschka | Familiar Things Disappear Music Video, 2017 GROUP EXHIBITION 13.11.20–11.04.21